Tata Motors has launched the new Xenon Yodha pickup at a starting price of Rs 6.05 Lakh (Ex-showroom, New Delhi). With this, the new Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup truck becomes the first Tata product for 2017. Launch of the much awaited Hexa, on January, 18, will now follow the introduction of the Xenon Yodha. The new Xenon Yodha has gone on sale in both single cab and double cab layouts. Read on for more on the new Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup Price, Specifications and Mileage.
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Tata claims that the new Xenon Yodha is ideal for rugged usage and is well-equipped to handle a variety of terrains. The Xenon Yodha’s body is supported by a 4 mm chassis frame with reinforcements and a strong rear axle with unitized double bearings. Even the suspension is capable of supporting a heavy load.
Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup Price List
Single Cab, 4×2, BSIII | Rs 6.05 Lakh |
Single Cab, 4×2, BSIV | Rs 6.19 Lakh |
The Xenon Yodha Pickup has gone on sale in both BS-III and BS-IV engine variants. The BS-III engine variant has a sticker price of Rs 6.05 Lakh, while the BS-IV model has a price of Rs 6.19 lakh. The Xenon is also available in a double cab layout and has an optional 4×4 system.
Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup Specifications
Model | BSIII | BSIV |
Engine | 3.0-litre Common Rail Diesel | 3.0-litre Common Rail Diesel |
Max. Power | 72 BHP | 85 BHP |
Peak Torque | 223 Nm | 250 Nm |
Transmission | 5-Speed Manual | 5-Speed Manual |
Ground Clearance | 210 mm | 210 mm |
Payload Capacity | 1250 KGs | 1250 KGs |
Internal Length | 2550 mm | 2550 mm |
Internal Width | 1750 mm | 1750 mm |
The new Tata Xenon Yodha features a 3.0-litre Common Rail Diesel engine that offers high power and torque output. For the BSIII model, max. power is rated at 72 BHP, while peak torque output is 223 Nm. The BSIV model offers a max. power-torque of 85 BHP-250 Nm. Both the engines come mated to a 5-speed Manual Transmission. The Xenon Yodha’s suspension gets 5-leaves at the front & 9-leaves at rear, which ensures better stability when carrying heavy load at high speeds.
Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup Mileage
Fuel Mileage | 15 KMPL |
Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup Features
The Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup is high on safety features such as-
- Anti-roll Bars
- 3-layered Body Construction
- Crumple Zones
- Collapsible Steering Column
- Retractable Seatbelts
- Side Intrusion Beams
Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup Maintenance
The new Tata Xenon Yodha is low on maintenance. It comes equipped with a LFL propeller shaft, which does not require greasing, and hence, offers higher peace of mind. Even the service interval of the Yodha is 20,000 kms, which translate to higher savings and a high uptime.
Tata Motors is also offering a ‘Buy Back inaugural offer’, which promises a 50% of the asset cost, after four years of vehicle usage. The new Tata Xenon Yodha gets first-in-segment AMC package of 3 years/1 lakh kms along with assured Warranty of 3 years/3,00,000 kms.
Stay tuned to CarBlogIndia for more on the Tata Xenon Yodha Pickup.
Talking about the new Tata Xenon Yodha, Ravi Pisharody, Executive Director – Commercial Vehicles, Tata Motors, said “With the introduction of the new Tata Xenon Yodha, we at Tata Motors have a new range of smart pick-ups, which offers customers with a winning combination of high profitability and lowest total cost of ownership. Besides bolstering our presence in the growing pick-up space, the new Xenon Yodha will also enable us to partner existing mini-truck customers, aspiring the next phase of growth, to upgrade to a reliable stylish pick-up – particularly in the post-GST regime and on the back of improved road infrastructure, which will see the hub and spoke model of distribution, become more and more prominent.”