Maruti has launched the Alto 800 VXi variant in India. With this new variant, Maruti is aiming to attract those customers who wanted a cheap runabout but do not like the car not having essential features. The proof for this argument lies in the fact that there were more people buying the Swift Dzire than the company’s cheapest offering in the market. Though the Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 VXi gets very subtle cosmetic changes on the outside, the real story lies on the inside, many of the earlier optional equipment now comes fitted as standard in this variant.
The Alto 800 was launched in October 2012, and joined the extensive Maruti car lineup. It has been a strong seller, selling no less than 20000 units every month until April 2013 when it sold just 19847. In May 2013, the alto 800 was overtaken by the Swift Dzire as the highest selling car in the market, and this has really made Maruti nervous. The Alto 800 VXi is the reaction to the drop in sales.
The Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 VXi has been priced at Rs. 3,17,080 (ex-showroom Delhi) which is costlier than the LXi variant by Rs. 13,581 but is cheaper than the LXi (Option) by Rs. 2,419.
What’s new?
The Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 VXi does not look any different than the standard car, it still looks a bit wacky, with ‘petal’ shaped headlamps, ‘wavefront’ profile etc. What it does get are the following:
- Left side ORVM standard
- Body coloured bumpers
- Body coloured handles
- Door-side mouldings
- Rear spoiler
- The car is available with a choice of six paint options: Superior white, Silky Silver, Granite Grey, Frost Blue, Blazing Red and Torque Blue.
Inside the car is where the Alto 800 VXi gets most of it changes. It gets a dual-tone upholstery as standard, like the LXi variant.
The Alto 800 VXi includes features like:
- A USB compatible stereo which connects to four speakers
- Air conditioning with heater
- Power steering
- Front power windows
- Remote fuel lid and hatch opener
Safety features on the Alto 800 VXi include:
- Central locking
- Driver’s side airbag as standard
Engine and Transmission
The Alto 800 VXi is still powered by the 796cc, 3-cylinder, 48 BHP and 69 Nm, petrol engine found in the Alto 800 range. The engine is mated to a 5-speed manual transmission and delivers a ARAI certified mileage of 22.74 KMPL.