Just like we have BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) start ratings for electrical appliances in India indicating the energy efficiency of an electrical appliance, soon the cars in India will have a Star rating sticker on their windshield which will greatly help the buyers to decide whether they want to buy this car or some other car.
The system will be implemented in year 2010, initially it will be optional to have these stickers with star ratings, but they will gradually be made mandatory. It is expected from the car manufacturers to give the accurate rating honestly.
This move is a win win situation for both buyers and car manufacturers as buyers will get to know the efficiency of a car clearly in terms of star rating and sellers can pitch this rating for selling their best efficiency cars.
The star rating will be rated out of 5 and relative and the best efficiency car of that category will have 5 star rating. Remaining cars will be rated with respect to the best efficiency car of that category.
This will force the car manufacturers to improve on engine technologies and car design to improve the fuel efficiency of their cars.
The government also benefits from it indirectly as high efficiency cars will help save fuel consumption and save on heavy imports of crude which is a financial burden on the economy.
So next time you go buy a car, check the efficiency rating on the windshield before making a decision.