Bike owners follow some common rituals in the mornings to warm up the engines of their bikes. However, not all of these rituals are endorsed by experts.
These are the most common morning habits that could destroy the engine of your bike or scooter over a long period of time. Bike maintenance is a crucial aspect of the ownership experience. Although there aren’t many issues with a bike anyway, it helps to develop good habits from the beginning to ensure the maximum life span of your motorcycle or scooter. Here are these habits and how to avoid them to ensure the longevity of a bike’s engine.
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Habits That Could Destroy The Engine of A Bike
The YouTuber keeps coming up with such interesting and informative videos where he lends out tips for a great ownership experience. He mentions the most common habit is that people accelerate the bike aggressively as soon as they start out. In the first gear itself, they race hard to achieve high speeds quickly. However, it could potentially damage your bike’s engine in the long run. The reason for this is quite simple. Overnight, the lubricant and engine oil are cooled down and are not flowing through the components of the engine. In the early morning, the parts of the engine are not lubricated enough. This results in friction between the moving components, especially if you ride aggressively. Engine oil needs some time to get distributed throughout the engine to work effectively.
The second most common habit that a lot of people are guilty of is excessive throttling during ignition. To get the engine warmed up quickly, people keep holding the accelerator for long durations. This is not great because it puts a lot of pressure on the engine that has not been warmed up. Again, the components and engine parts could get damaged. It must be mentioned here that these habits don’t destroy the engine in weeks or months but a long time. However, it is necessary to take care of such things from the very beginning the prolong the life of a bike.
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These are the most common habits that people need to break if they want their bikes or scooters to be in great condition even after years of usage.